January got the year off to a hot start with some incredible releases! We had the Discraft Fuzed Buzzz (stock Buzzzsaw), Pre-order Tempo, Pre-order Range, and the Ezra Buzzz SS drop! It looks like February is going to be another great month of releases as well. What disc surprises you the most on this list?
- Discraft Buzzz
- Axiom Tempo
- Innova Thunderbird
- Discraft Passion
- Streamline Range
- Discraft Zone
- Discraft Buzzz SS
- Innova Roc3
- Discraft Zone OS
- Innova Destroyer
- Mint Salamander
- Discraft Nuke
- Prodigy Pa-5
- Discraft Luna
- Discraft Roach
- Discraft Vulture
- Prodigy Pa-3
- Discraft Meteor
- Innova Rollo
- Prodigy H7
- Innova Gorgon
- Innova Wraith
- Axiom Envy
- Innova Mamba
- Discraft Cicada