Here are the top selling discs for October of 2024! Some things to keep in mind this year are that we vended at USDGC which lead to a lot of custom stamped discs and personality discs selling both there and online. Top of the list you have the Big Kon and Robbie C Wizards, Hunnerbird Thunderbirds, Kon Man Shamans, and Trevor Staub Supras only in person. In addition to that, we had several companies release their halloween discs which bumped the sales of discs like the Buzzz, Cloud Breaker, and so on.
- Gateway Wizard
- Innova Thunderbird
- Gateway Shaman
- Discraft Buzzz
- Innova Destroyer
- MVP Trail
- Finish Line Supra
- Axiom Time-Lapse
- Axiom Pyro
- Discmania Cloud Breaker
- Axiom Hex
- Discraft Raptor
- Discraft Drive
- Axiom Proxy
- DGA Catrina Allen Proto Driver
- MVP Detour
- Innova Aviar
- Innova Gorgon
- Discmania FD3
- Ching JuJu
- Clash Wild Honey
- Axiom Pixel
- MVP Wave
- Discraft Cicada
- Dynamic Discs EMac Judge