Quick stats about me
Backhand: 350-375
Forehand: 350
Disc: C-line PD
Relationship with Disc Golf: Content all the time, joyous when I can putt
I’ve been looking for a disc to replace my Raptor I’ve had for years. I kept turning it over on forehands after years of it being beat up. So in looking for a replacement, I found this disc. I’m not gonna lie, the numbers do seem slightly intimidating. “Is this the right disc for me? Will I even be able to throw this 300 ft? Will my mother disown me if I can’t throw this like Gannon Buhr?” These are all questions one may find themselves asking. However, this disc provides a usable workability for both forehand and backhand. It will push on either line around 250 feet dead straight before fading when thrown flat. On Anhyzer, especially on forehand, it will not do big dramatic swoops, but rather remain on the line it’s on while turning mid air. This disc continues to impress me (and my mom, don’t worry, she’s not disowning me…. Yet) every time I thrown it.
Currently it is in a dye bed, when it comes out I may upload a photo
I love the PD. Starts nice and overstable, and the S-Line beats in to be dead straight and reliable, while the C-Line keeps that stability for so long. Recommend for those in windy areas or looking for something with more workability than something like a firebird (from my experience at least).
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